Thursday 31 August 2017

Week 28th August - September 1st


Decimals – adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing
This week we have been investigating many elements of decimals. We have added, subtracted and divided decimals, understanding that we need to keep the columns in a straight line as we complete the process. Multiplying decimals is different in that it is numbers AFTER the decimal point, which indicate the final answer. 

We are also confident about the base number and exponent which is also connected to our place value information.
Please ask us to show you at home and we can explain fully as we teach you.

It is very very important that students know their times tables and we encourage them to practice at home each night until they are confident.

Students are trying to extend their writing skills by bringing in more adjectives and thinking about their questions. By encouraging students to ask more and more questions and gaining more insightful information, they should be able to put together a good narrative based around a migration story.

Students continue to read a wide variety of Migration stories both in class and for free reading. Looking at the stories, students are trying to make the connection to the lines of inquiry to deepen their understanding of the Central Idea.

Students have spent the week taking on the role of a person caught up in migration. With questioning and information they already know, they are trying to connect this to a line of inquiry looking at the perspective of different people within a migration situation. They have been interviewed by 'journalists' to try and deepen their understanding of why people migrate.

Preparing For The Assembly
Students have been divided into six groups and are responsible for putting together a short presentation which highlights what they have been learning about in their first few weeks in Grade 5. Come and watch them perform on Friday 8th September at 7.45am in the Black Box Theatre.

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