Ms. Lou's Class

After in-depth discussion, sharing ideas, changing ideas and making ideas more focussed on our class needs, we have decided on a list of 
that we will adhere to in ISPP.

Use the correct voice
Share ideas
Tidy up work areas
Be respectful moving around school
Show respect to everyone

August 2017

Dear Grade 5 Parents,
About Your Teacher
Welcome to Grade 5. My name is Lou Waldron and I will be your child’s class teacher this year. I am originally from the UK, but have spent most of my life living and teaching abroad. This is my first year at ISPP and I have just come from teaching in Qatar. I have been teaching for over 30 years, 27 of those in International Education and have been lucky enough to work in UK, Tanzania, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Spain, Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar and now Cambodia. I am here with my two adopted Ethiopian children AJ and TJ, who are in Grade 3 and are also excited about starting at ISPP. I am looking forward to meeting you all and I am excited to be working with your child in Grade 5!
The Other Teachers in Grade 5
Mr. Garrett

Ms. Michelle
Ms. Maden

Grade 5 Teaching Assistant

Ms. Lynn


Mr. Giles

Learning Support

At ISPP we communicate electronically with parents and students. We therefore need an e-mail account that you access regularly. Please fill in the form with the e-mail address or addresses you use most regularly and return it to school as soon as possible. Your child will have  an ISPP e-mail address that they will use to communicate with teachers and other students.
We would also like to encourage you to visit the Grade 5 class Blog.   This is where the Grade 5 teachers communicate what is happening at school and where you can find information about our curriculum, home learning and a weekly slideshow of highlights from the week. (This year Grade 5 will have one blog for the whole grade level and you will find a tab for each homeroom within the blog).
This is the Grade 5 blog address:
School begins at 7:25am and ends at 2:30pm.

Here is the schedule for single subjects:

7:30 - 8:15
8:15 - 9:00
9:00 - 9:30
9:30 - 10:15
10:15 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:45
11:45 - 12:30
12:30 - 13:15
13:15 - 14:00

Each day your child will need to have a snack for recess and a durable and reusable bottle for drinking water.  Please make sure that your child has appropriate clothing for their Swimming lesson (e.g. swimmers, towel, goggles, swim hat), and for PE (e.g. trainers, shorts, PE t-shirt and a change of clothes).

Home Learning

On Mondays weekly home learning will be posted on the Grade 5 blog.  Students are expected to check the blog post and work on tasks for 40 - 50 minutes, 4 days per week (including home reading).  
Please feel free to contact me with your questions or concerns. If you need to speak to me about something important it is always best to make an appointment.

Yours sincerely, Lou Waldron

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