Monday 5 March 2018

WEEK 2 Exhibition Journey Monday 5th March to Thursday 8th March

Thank you to all our parents who attended the Parent Information Morning last Friday. 
We hope you learnt alot about what we did when we were on our camp in VKiriom and how that prepared us for Exhibition.

Thank you for listening to us as we showed you what we did in our last unit of inquiry and for leaving the school, information into ways you maybe able to help us with our Exhibition inquiries.

How We Started

How We Made Our Central Ideas


How did we start Exhibition? Well, we started by looking at our areas of interest. Our Transdisciplinary Theme is Who We Are. Using that knowledge, we looked at possible topics. Then, we told our teachers what we were interested in. After, they sorted us into groups based one what we were interested in. Then, each group worked together to find Central Ideas using all the topics they chose to inquire into.
Key Concepts
How we chose our key concepts
We started exhibition by choosing our topics and our key concepts. For example my key concepts were change, causation and perspective. We ended up choosing different ones for our group(Animal Hope: Jesda, Zoe, Rothida, Lucy and Sofia (me). Our groups key concepts are perspective change and form. Key concepts are if you are asking a question you know what sort of question it is.
Lines of inquiry-Jesda
Students have tried to use their progress by using their chosen 3 key concepts to create lines of inquiry to match the their chosen three key concepts. For example, my three key concepts were perspective, form, and change.
For perspective my line of inquiry was: An inquiry into, how different people react to the same situation.
For my form one, it is: An inquiry into animal rights.
For my change one, it is: an inquiry into humans affects animal rights in past and present.
The lines of inquiry should be connected to your topic in different ways, and let the key concepts be connected to the lines of inquiry.

Mentors - Maya
In the beginning of exhibition ( week one) each group was given a mentor.
A mentor is a teacher at the school that you will see on one specific day every week
( until exhibition ends). You will tell them your process/ what you have done, Ideas you have, what y
ou are planning, What you are going to do during the week.In advance with your mentor you can
organize a extra day to meet up. Like at lunch while you eat or at recess ( lunch and break )

My mentor is Ms Kelly in grade one.  My group and I have been having some really good ideas and
Ms. Kelly helps make our ideas better and more fun! And she also gives us feedback that really
helps us out a lot! She has given my group some really good ideas and made talking with her fun.
She also tells us previous stuff about exhibition groups from the last grade five group she mentored
last year.

Collecting Data-Monyroat
Students have been thinking of ways to collect data. Some students chose to do surveys with Google forms asking people questions about their group’s topic in Exhibition and display it with a graph or chart showing teachers or parents the different answers that they gave. Some students created surveys for students from all different grade levels but some even did surveys for teachers. Some students chose to interview people as another way of collecting data. Some groups went to interview different teachers around school that teach related subjects to the group’s topic. For example my group M.E.S.S (Monyroat, Eemil, Stirling and Sonyta) are doing physical health and we have interviewed Ms Angela and we are going to interview Ms.Leticia and Mr.Ben and then we will compare their answers.

Interviews- JJ

Students have been thinking of interviews they can use for their exhibition project. Some are going to interview organizations or specific people they know. Like in one group someone has a uncle that is a doctor and they decide to contact him because they have some kind of connection. People has been searching for organizations that connect to their topic. They can contact them by phone, email, social media and etc. Some groups are already sending messages to organizations and other people too. Some aren’t in Cambodia so they might have to do the interview with skype or something that people can use. They need to find a good place and a good time that doesn’t disturb their work or life. They need to be friendly and positive.

Field Trips-Otis

Students have been thinking of field trips to help them understand and gather more data from
their organizations they are looking at.They have decided on times when groups can all go for
example my group are planning to go to Carlotta's house on Friday and go to PPAWS from
there while we gather data and bring back to school on Monday. Lots of people in Exhibition
have already decided on field trips because of its data benefits that can help their group which
include gathering data and Primary sources.Our mentor is Ms.Kelly from Grade 1 and our group
is called Animazing.

Research - Jihwan
Students worked hard on researching about their chosen topic. They came up with questions to
help them with research. Students researched in many different ways, including Internet,
interview, field trips, etc. On week two, students are all going to focus on gathering the
information as the week is all about finding out. Students’ goal is to be very knowledgeable
about the topic so they can present confidently. The process of researching can be different,
but they will all have lots of information after they finish researching. For Ms Michelle’s
Exhibition class, we are researching about the key concepts so we can know the information that
belongs to each key concepts.

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