Monday 16 October 2017

A week of learning

This Week’s Learning
Written By: Stirling, Yubin and Sorya

This week was an amazing week!

Guest Speaker; Ms. Natalie
On Tuesday, Ms. Natalie, one of the science teachers in Secondary school, came to the Grade Five as a guest speaker to talk about science. She teaches physics in the Secondary school.  Ms. Natalie also taught us, G5 about atoms and particles and how everything is made out of atoms. We also learned that glass is actually liquid and is actually just frozen! We learned countless things from Ms. Natalie and we were able to understand a lot about science.  Also it was a Greek philosopher named Democritus in the BC who broke gold into tiny tiny pieces and invented the word ATOM.

Science Experiments
Grade 5 has been sharing their experiments about their scientific principle that they were studying about. There were many experiments, and they were all very different. Some people made mistakes when it came to their experiments but making a mistake is part of discovering something new. There were scientific principles such as; Surface Tension, Gravity, Density, Momentum, etc. Everyone shared their experiment and explained about their scientific so the audience can understand what the scientific principle is. All the experiments had something amazing to show to grade 5. Grade Five’s worked together to create a new experiment to show their class. The Grade Five also witnessed the Elephant Toothpaste experiment.

This is a video that it is about science and this is from one of our classmates.

Galileo Galilei
We saw a video about Galileo Galilei, Which showed his life and of course, The Telescope invention. After the video we did bottoms up, Bottom ups is when we write, draw on paper about the topic and we aren't allowed to sit down. We were divided into random groups in which we had to brainstorm the concepts of function, change and perspective connect with Galileo Life. They were the key concepts in our unit about science.  All of the groups managed to share their ideas together. When time was up, people from there groups went to check other people's ideas. About 6 people at each table could look at the posters. The story  about Galileo Galilei taught students about telescopes and planets. The sad part about Galileo Galilei’s story was that no one believed him and his discoveries about the solar system so he was kept under house arrest.

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Study about Entomologist
To begin with, an Entomologist a bug scientist. Someone who researches about bugs and insects. We read the Entomologist article on Newsela, a news website. We worked with a partner and connected the article to the 3 key concept which are; Function, Change and Perspective. We learned some facts about insects from the article.  The man name was Dino Martins and he was influenced by The National Museum of Kenya. He recommends families to visit the museum to find out more about bugs and insects.

During math this week, we have been studying how rounding numbers can simplify people’s lives. For example; if you’re going out to buy food at a mall, you can round the price of your items to the nearest dollar, and roughly see how much your items cost all together. To make things more challenging, we have rounded numbers by 10, 100 and 1000s. Grade 5 student learned more about estimating
numbers and rounding numbers by answering equations given to them, but they had to estimate the answer by rounding before checking the actual answer. Other classes learned multiplication strategies, their place values and we continued to solve math problems in order to learn more about math.

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