Sunday 3 December 2017


Wednesday 6th December: YAPP Athletics
All Grade 3-5, plus students from other international schools in Phnom Penh 
Start - 8.30am 
ALL students wear ISPP PE kit and cap

Tuesday 12th December: Elementary Three-Way Conferences

No school this day but students must attend their conference with parents.  Times will be sent home soon.

Thursday 14th December - Grade 2-5 House Sports Day 
Students in their class groups rotate through a variety of activities.
Start - 8am
Students wear their ISPP coloured house shirt and cap.

Friday 15th December: Early Dismissal
School finishes at 11:45am

Thursday 30 November 2017

ISPP Spirit

Hello, I'm Rattana Hok and I'm a 10th grader. 

In 10th grade, every student has their own personal project (PP). My PP is about enhancing ISPP's school spirit and branding. 

I plan to achieve this by releasing a new merch collection which consists of t-shirts, sweaters and drawstring bags. 

The t-shirts and sweaters won't be out until the PP exhibition night (January 17-18). 

HOWEVER, drawstring bag pre-orders have been open since November 18 and will close on December 7 (Thursday next week!). Click here for more information on how to order. 

Book Week

Sunday 12 November 2017

A week of learning

Weekly Report, Learning
By: Vivian, Monika & Nicole

This week is the beginning of our new unit, Sharing the planet. We all made a very colorful mind map to show what we think about the unit that we are going to learn.
We individually do them, telling what we think this unit is all about,  what we think it is and also if we were able to choose what would we want in this unit to be about or like.


On Tuesday, we looked in the rotation board to see our group then we went to the piazza to talk about our new unit and also talk about padlet, padlet is an app for taking a photo and an easy app to collaborate with the world. We had to take photos of a material made out of other material. After that, we went to a class with another group because we had 4 group so two classes would have 2 group. In our group, we had to be in a group of 5 people and one of us must make a padlet account.

We also have to make a page to put our photos that we took. If we have done it we can go outside to take photos of a material and put an alarm so we will come back in time. So when the time was up we returned to the piazza with our group and took a big paper and a smaller paper with our central idea of this unit and make a connection.

When time was up we gathered up in the piazza and put our paper on the table and came back to our classes. lLso on Tuesday Mr. Garrett classroom made a reading cafe, so what we did was that everyone went to the library and borrow seven books that have a different genre, has to be non-fiction and a fiction book (mix) and one of the book could have your language that you speak at home with your family (home language). Then e went back to class and we started to organized where the small book supposes to be and where the big books suppose to be. So then we call it a reading cafe.

On Wednesday, we went back to our groups on Tuesday and Ms Lou put a post-it note and write one of the 8 key concepts. The 8 key concepts are form, function, causation, connection, responsibility, perspective, reflection and change. Then we had a piece of paper and we had to answer what the key concept is that Ms Lou stick on our paper from Tuesday and also we had to write down what is the key concept, central idea and the lines of inquiry. Then when Ms Lou or the other teachers let us continue working with our groups we had to tell the rest of grade 5 the answer of what’s  the key concept, central idea, and lines of inquiry. After every group gets a turn to answer we had a short discussion about our answers then we returned to our classes.

On Friday, everybody went back to their rotation groups and everybody was put in groups within Ms. Lou, Ms. Michelle, Ms. Rachel and Mr. Garrett. So in different groups we did different activities. Ms. Lou and Mr. Garrett’s  group learned how to interview other people. So if you interview with a person the first thing you have to do is to shake the person's hand that you are interviewing also make eye contact and introduce yourself. Next, you have to tell the person why you are interviewing them. Lastly, you have to ask a opening question and then you could continue the question.
Also if you are interviewing someone you don’t have to have a long list of questions, you could just have five questions but those questions have to be a very deep ones so then the person who is answering the question they will be telling you the information and details about it. Also, we had a practice how to interview someone, so everybody was in a partner and Ms. Lou gave one of us a paper which is the character that will be answering the questions and we have to do all the steps that we are supposed to do. So that was a fact about if you are interviewing someone.

Sunday 22 October 2017

A week of learning.

Our recent learning


This week we worked on our summative assessment for this unit. We were assigned to present 5 slides in 3 minutes about our chosen scientist and also about a scientific principle the scientist discovered. We weren’t allowed to write much in our slides. The majority of the information was memorized. We worked on it for two days, Wednesday and Thursday and we presented it on friday. We needed to explain a scientific principle and how it works. We also needed to show what can be concluded from this and how it challenged people’s beliefs .


In math we started to do some PARENTHESES equations and we are also doing decimal division. Most of us are on our second math book now. We started liters, kilometers and kilograms and we converted them to deciliter, milliliter meters, centimeters, millimeters and grams, etc. And we got equations to solve. Some of the questions were easy and some were hard.

In writing we wrote about a scientist. Some people researched on scientists like Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton (etc). We learned how to write very interesting. introduction that makes the reader want to read further. We learned that asking question in the story is a way to make the reader think more about the We shared them with Ms.Lou’s class and we got comments and compliments.

Library in Class

Because some people from our class don’t borrow books as much, Ms.Rachel the librarian brought us plenty of books from the library so that we could chose a library book to borrow. She got books that were funny, long and she even got grade 5 picture books. All the book looked interesting. Some people borrowed many books.

P.e (Football!!)

In pe we played football at the field to practice for yapp football.For warm up we played a game where we would have to dribble the ball to the other side without the person that is it takes your ball. . After the warm up, we were ready to play and we played a fun game. Some people were practicing dribbling and shooting when the other team is playing a game.

This Week’s Learning
By: Serey, Mony and Pheakdey
Writing with Ms. Lynn
This week we had to choose a scientist to research about, like Galileo Galilei with Ms. Lynn. Ms. Lynn gave us a planning sheet so we can have a better understanding on what we are going to do in UOI that is slightly similar. We needed to watch some videos related to the scientist and write the crucial facts that we think are important on the sheet that she gave us. We could also just read facts about the scientist we chose on different websites.

This week in UOI grade 5 students mainly focused on experiments and famous scientists.
We mainly studied on those things because we will have an experiment day on Thursday and we will also have a summative assessment on Friday afternoon this week. We also had chose a famous scientist and research about him/her. We then needed to connect what they did to our lines of inquiry like what did that scientist create and how it affected others. On Wednesday, we prepared our science experiments for Science Thursday. We also did a google slide about a scientist we chose.



This week Grade 5 started  DRA. For DRA we needed to summarize about the book the teacher chose for us by our reading level. We also had to talk about a book we chose. We also did an Imovie talking about our favorite book and why it is good.
Our goal for this week is to complete our Literacy Circles book. We also did a Flip Grid talking about our literacy circles book and why it is good and why recommend it.






The Maths this week was about parenthesis and brackets. We also did a word problem using parenthesis to solve the problem. We also worked on the plastic problem cards and after that we did a problem solving sheet that had 4 equations and if we finish that there is an exit ticket. After we finish the exit ticket, We can play some math games like Decimal Dynamo and get to the finish line.

Grade 5 Science day

On thursday, all of grade 5 gathered and got into groups of 6. We took turns to show each other science experiments.The groups were sorted by class and what color paper we had. For example, white indicates 1 and yellow represents 2 experiments. We did at least 6 experiments. After we got sorted in our groups we got ready for fun. We saw loads of different kinds of experiments that had a variety of ways to express different scientific principles. We saw coke bottles exploding, fire tricks and much more. Each science experiment showed at least 1 scientific principle IMG_0765 (1).JPG



G5 ATLS- Approaches to learning

In Grade 5 we have activities each week on Friday that is called G5 ATLS ( Approaches to learning). The purpose of doing this is to boost our understanding so it can help us prepare for the Grade 5 Exhibition. We have loads of activities like drama and how to spot fake news. We go to different places and classrooms to practise different activities until we start the Grade 5 exhibition. G5 blog ATLS.PNG

Monday 16 October 2017

A week of learning

This Week’s Learning
Written By: Stirling, Yubin and Sorya

This week was an amazing week!

Guest Speaker; Ms. Natalie
On Tuesday, Ms. Natalie, one of the science teachers in Secondary school, came to the Grade Five as a guest speaker to talk about science. She teaches physics in the Secondary school.  Ms. Natalie also taught us, G5 about atoms and particles and how everything is made out of atoms. We also learned that glass is actually liquid and is actually just frozen! We learned countless things from Ms. Natalie and we were able to understand a lot about science.  Also it was a Greek philosopher named Democritus in the BC who broke gold into tiny tiny pieces and invented the word ATOM.

Science Experiments
Grade 5 has been sharing their experiments about their scientific principle that they were studying about. There were many experiments, and they were all very different. Some people made mistakes when it came to their experiments but making a mistake is part of discovering something new. There were scientific principles such as; Surface Tension, Gravity, Density, Momentum, etc. Everyone shared their experiment and explained about their scientific so the audience can understand what the scientific principle is. All the experiments had something amazing to show to grade 5. Grade Five’s worked together to create a new experiment to show their class. The Grade Five also witnessed the Elephant Toothpaste experiment.

This is a video that it is about science and this is from one of our classmates.

Galileo Galilei
We saw a video about Galileo Galilei, Which showed his life and of course, The Telescope invention. After the video we did bottoms up, Bottom ups is when we write, draw on paper about the topic and we aren't allowed to sit down. We were divided into random groups in which we had to brainstorm the concepts of function, change and perspective connect with Galileo Life. They were the key concepts in our unit about science.  All of the groups managed to share their ideas together. When time was up, people from there groups went to check other people's ideas. About 6 people at each table could look at the posters. The story  about Galileo Galilei taught students about telescopes and planets. The sad part about Galileo Galilei’s story was that no one believed him and his discoveries about the solar system so he was kept under house arrest.

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Study about Entomologist
To begin with, an Entomologist a bug scientist. Someone who researches about bugs and insects. We read the Entomologist article on Newsela, a news website. We worked with a partner and connected the article to the 3 key concept which are; Function, Change and Perspective. We learned some facts about insects from the article.  The man name was Dino Martins and he was influenced by The National Museum of Kenya. He recommends families to visit the museum to find out more about bugs and insects.

During math this week, we have been studying how rounding numbers can simplify people’s lives. For example; if you’re going out to buy food at a mall, you can round the price of your items to the nearest dollar, and roughly see how much your items cost all together. To make things more challenging, we have rounded numbers by 10, 100 and 1000s. Grade 5 student learned more about estimating
numbers and rounding numbers by answering equations given to them, but they had to estimate the answer by rounding before checking the actual answer. Other classes learned multiplication strategies, their place values and we continued to solve math problems in order to learn more about math.

Sunday 8 October 2017

A week of learning

This week’s learning
By: Calidina, Juliana, and Zereach

Ms Lynn Narrative Writing Lesson

This week we had to write a narrative writing piece. We had to use onomatopoeia, simile and a question to hook the reader in, for our first paragraph. A paragraph needs to have three sentenceses or more. We also add a thesis statement such as ‘ in my opinion’ because it will grab your reader's attention. On our second, third and last  paragraph we wrote about one opinion statement why homework is a bad idea or a good idea.

ISA Test   
On the 3rd-4th of October 2017, we did the ISA test also known as the International Schools’ Assessment we got all of the knowledge from our learning before the ISA test. We couldn’t cheat or look at others’ answers because they might be wrong. We started with a brain exercise from go noodle to warm up and get ready for the ISA test.


Grade 5 ATLs. Approaches to learn

For Grade 5 activities we went into our groups and we are supposed to go to the classrooms where we do the activities. In each room we get to do different activities like doing drama, how to spot fake news and reading different news. We did this because we might use them in exhibition. We do different activities every Friday.


This week we did multiplication madness. We had to find out how many days, hours, minutes and seconds in a month, year or week. We did the multiplication madness because we can show how we can use multiplication work out large calculations.
We also did bingo. Bingo is also a part of math. In bingo we had to round the numbers up.


Scientific  Principles

On Monday we wrote instructions about how to make a science experiment. We also had to know our scientific principle so we can tell our audience what happened during our experiment. On Friday the class made a new experiment. We can’t make same experiments because we didn’t want to see the same experiment twice.

What’s Inside?

We use a telescope to see what is inside of different kinds of items like a rubber, clothes and more. We wrote what we can see inside the telescope on our notebook so we can record everything we can see. Inside the telescope we can see different thing like germs and dirt on the rubber.

Monday 2 October 2017

A week of learning.

This week’s blog post comes to you courtesy of Mahin, Da Hee & Helen.
Welcome to our Grade 5 Blog

In Grade 5 we have started a new unit. Our new unit is about Science. We have done a challenge, the challenge is to make slime. We were divided into groups to make slime with household ingredients.

These are some Photos of us making slime:IMG_0259.JPG




Some of us were able to make slime easily. But for the people who didn’t know how to make slime, it was a big challenge for them. Even though some of us that didn’t know how to make it we still had lots of fun making it.

All of our slime was made out of flour. Some of the slime was made out of flour & water, flour & conditioning & lotion, flour & baking soda & lotion etc., ( all sort of stuff that is made of flour mixed with household ingredients ).


We’ve been working on many kinds of math and our learning intention was, How can we use the base ten system to solve problems with decimal numbers?

Some people were able to solve these questions confidently. But some questions were hard for some people and easy for others. The questions were pretty challenging.

Science Experiments
Our home learning last week was to bring a Science Experiment to school. Baking Soda + Vinegar, Coke + Mentos, Coke + Salt, Water + Pepper then dip your finger in detergent then place your finger in the middle of the plate, tornado in 2 bottles, tornado in a bottle, Milk + Food coloring then place detergent in the middle,

Here are some of our Experiments ( Photos ) :
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The first photo of a scientific principle is Chemical Reaction. The science experiment was Baking soda + Vinegar. The Vinegar reacted to the Baking soda.

The second photo scientific principle was Nuclear Reaction. The science experiment was Coke + Mentos.
The Coke reacted to the Mentos.

The third photo of a scientific principle is gravity. So if you stand tight to the wall with your left arm, lift your right leg up but if you stand tight to the wall with your right arm lift your left leg up. You will fall down because when you stand on one leg your center of gravity shifts towards another leg and your body needs to compensate by moving in the opposite direction but in this case the wall is in the way. ( Make sure you stand straight )


During this week we’ve had spotlight on the arts and spotlight on music. We have had lots of fun. Some students’ parents came for this spotlight and some students brought their nannies or drivers for their spotlight. We had to show the posters we made to our parents and other adults.

Here are some photos of our spotlight:
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We were also coming up with Scientific Words. Here are some of the words.

We were writing scientific words. We came up with Ideas like : Chemistry , Carbon, Psychologist Environment , Water , Oxygen , Gravity , Mass , Disaster , Sodium , Gas , Biology , Liquid , Uranium , Electricity , Explosion and More...