Wednesday 28 February 2018

Sharing Our Exhibition Information
Friday March 2nd 7.30am – 8.30am

Grade 5 Piazza

7.30am – 7.40am
Grade 5 piazza
Grade 5 presentation about the Exhibition
8.20am - 8.30am
Grade 5
Further questions after visiting all the activities

Rotation Activities

Time Slots
7.40am – 7.50am
7.50am – 8.00am
8.00am – 8.10am
8.10am – 8.20am

Station 1 Grade 5 Piazza   
Pre-Exhibition Work
Take a look at the work in the piazza.
Ask your child to explain:  Transdisciplinary Theme, Different Aspects of the Theme, Central Ideas

Station 2 Ms Lou’s Classroom
Information Sheet
Parents to share: Their expertise, places where they work which could help the students, ideas for
a field trip linked with the Central Ideas for different groups

Station 3 Ms Michelle’s Classroom
VKirirom Trip
Students will share with you: Photos from the recent trip, activities they completed and their
feedback from the trip

Station 4 Mr Garrett’s Classroom
Grade 6 Questions and Answers
Grade 6 students will: be able to share their journals, Blogs, answer questions and explain to you
what it is like to go through an Exhibition

When these stations are completed please visit your child’s Exhibition Workroom and they
will share with you, their Exhibition teacher, Mentor, Issues, Central Idea, Lines of Inquiry,
Key Concepts, Google Folders, Easybib, group members and their journals.

Monday 26 February 2018

Weekly Blog Post


on Monday we had grade 5 collaboration and  durning that time we looked at the different  types of smarts such as body smarts.We graded ourself on each smart which we will use for Exhibition field trip. we also finished our summative assessment on how we organize ourselves


On Tuesday ms mechelle's class had a little more time to finish our summative assessment and we had to present our summative assessment about How We Organise Ourselves.With a group we presented and graded each others slide show, poster, game, or jornal.

On wednesday we  learned our exhibition groups on the field by solving a puzzle with the groups names
on it. Then we set up the work space and began to find connections between our topics in the group.
We also found out each groups mentors for the exhibition.

Sunday 18 February 2018

Weekly Blogpost

*Weekly Blog post*
By: Lucy, Carlotta and Monica

In P.E. grade five has been doing T-Ball for striking
and fielding. Recently, grade five started their
summative on organizations. Ms Lou’s class
worked on their  P.B (Practice Book) this is to help
them prepare for making a neat exhibition process

Mr Garrett’s class did word problems, and finished
their responsibility research.

Grade five is starting to think about the exhibition.
We have picked our topics and the teachers are
starting to group us.

Next week on Thursday, we will be going on an
overnight trip to Kirirom, and on Monday we picked
tent buddies! We will be working on teamwork and
collaboration during exhibition. On Thursday was
ISPP's got talent! Well done to all the students who
participated and performed.

Happy Friday! We don’t have School today! Happy Chinese New

Sunday 11 February 2018

A week in grade 5

A Week in Grade 5
Written by: Vorleak, Rothida and Tep


This week in UOI, we are researching into ‘connection”, “How sustainability
impacts the environment.” Most people are researching into “Innovative enterprise
impact the environment in different ways” as their central idea to research into.
Innovative means new, enterprise means companies, ideas for businesses.
Impacts means affect and if you put that all together, we have “New ideas from
companies affect the environment in different ways.”

Grade 5 collect their data in journals which are neatly done. The articles, graphs
and diagrams that are in their journals are related to what they are researching

The transdisciplinary theme for this unit is How We Organise Ourselves (HWOO).
“An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and
communities; the structure and function organizations; societal decision making.


For maths we played round the class math cards. It’s a game where someone
read a question from their card and whoever has the answer has to say that they
have the card. Then they read the question on their card then the next person will
answer. There are fractions, measure and time problems cards.

Thursday 1 February 2018

A Week In ISPP Grade 5

*A Week in ISPP Grade 5*
By: Angelica, Kol and Phalina


Ms.Michelle, Ms. Lou & Mr. Garrett’s students are doing research about our UOI which is currently about Organizations. We had to find an organization to do our research. We wrote questions in our UOI book and we also check other websites, books and organizations.

In Ms Lou’s class, for their research they found facts for local organizations in Cambodia. They also have to write their own lines of inquiry and central idea. (Connection). They have four organizations each as a group and have to find 10 facts about each of the organizations. Each person has to research their own organizations. They also write important notes and connect them with other local organizations in Cambodia.

In Ms Michelle’s class, for our research we can type the information on google docs then glue it to the organization book or straight on to the book. We had to write a sentence for what we are research for function, connection and responsibility. Then we has to write questions for the sentence of the 3 lines of inquiry and research about the question. All the classes have 2 weeks to finish one line of inquiry.


In math we were learning about dividing and multiplying fractions with different denominator. We were given out a bunch of paper which were said to be the whole math sheets for the whole week. It’s mostly about multiplying and dividing fractions though.


Ms. Lynn our writing teacher came into the three classes and taught us how to write free verse poem, Haiku poems, rhyming poems and figurative poems! Haiku Poems are poems with three lines and the first line has to have 5 syllables than 7 and 5. Writing poems has been really fun and interesting because we get to put our feelings and moods inside poems and we can also put clues about ourselves inside the poems. We also started writing Limericks. Limericks only have 5 lines the first line, second and fifth has to rhyme. The third and fourth has to rhyme too. The next lesson with Ms. Lynn we were learning about Poetry Slams. Poetry Slam is free verse so there is no rules but you have to talk with expression.


Mr Matt our technology teacher came in with a bunch with electronics. We were going to break the electronics (which is super safe and also the electronics doesn’t work anymore). Mr Matt also suggests that we should also bring broken electronics from our home so then we can discover more about electronics and that they use bronze,copper and gold to make the important parts of electronics.

We also learn more about electronics like for example we learnt that electronics has heart drive and a motherboard.


Buddies: In Ms Michelle we have google docs for 2 students to decide what we are doing for buddies.

Music: In music the whole grade 5 we were making the parodies (lyrics and music). We posted our parodies on our blogs with 2 stars and a wish. In music class we watched everyone music video and give them what they like and why and what they could improve.

Art: In art we are making chinese paintings. This week we learned how to do  mountains, rocks and flowers. Before we start drawing we practiced the strokes, leafs and tips.

Cafe Corner: Cafe corner is when we practice reading. We chose one skill to practice on, on the cafe menu. We borrow five picture books depend on what skill your practicing on.