Thursday 30 November 2017

ISPP Spirit

Hello, I'm Rattana Hok and I'm a 10th grader. 

In 10th grade, every student has their own personal project (PP). My PP is about enhancing ISPP's school spirit and branding. 

I plan to achieve this by releasing a new merch collection which consists of t-shirts, sweaters and drawstring bags. 

The t-shirts and sweaters won't be out until the PP exhibition night (January 17-18). 

HOWEVER, drawstring bag pre-orders have been open since November 18 and will close on December 7 (Thursday next week!). Click here for more information on how to order. 

Book Week

Sunday 12 November 2017

A week of learning

Weekly Report, Learning
By: Vivian, Monika & Nicole

This week is the beginning of our new unit, Sharing the planet. We all made a very colorful mind map to show what we think about the unit that we are going to learn.
We individually do them, telling what we think this unit is all about,  what we think it is and also if we were able to choose what would we want in this unit to be about or like.


On Tuesday, we looked in the rotation board to see our group then we went to the piazza to talk about our new unit and also talk about padlet, padlet is an app for taking a photo and an easy app to collaborate with the world. We had to take photos of a material made out of other material. After that, we went to a class with another group because we had 4 group so two classes would have 2 group. In our group, we had to be in a group of 5 people and one of us must make a padlet account.

We also have to make a page to put our photos that we took. If we have done it we can go outside to take photos of a material and put an alarm so we will come back in time. So when the time was up we returned to the piazza with our group and took a big paper and a smaller paper with our central idea of this unit and make a connection.

When time was up we gathered up in the piazza and put our paper on the table and came back to our classes. lLso on Tuesday Mr. Garrett classroom made a reading cafe, so what we did was that everyone went to the library and borrow seven books that have a different genre, has to be non-fiction and a fiction book (mix) and one of the book could have your language that you speak at home with your family (home language). Then e went back to class and we started to organized where the small book supposes to be and where the big books suppose to be. So then we call it a reading cafe.

On Wednesday, we went back to our groups on Tuesday and Ms Lou put a post-it note and write one of the 8 key concepts. The 8 key concepts are form, function, causation, connection, responsibility, perspective, reflection and change. Then we had a piece of paper and we had to answer what the key concept is that Ms Lou stick on our paper from Tuesday and also we had to write down what is the key concept, central idea and the lines of inquiry. Then when Ms Lou or the other teachers let us continue working with our groups we had to tell the rest of grade 5 the answer of what’s  the key concept, central idea, and lines of inquiry. After every group gets a turn to answer we had a short discussion about our answers then we returned to our classes.

On Friday, everybody went back to their rotation groups and everybody was put in groups within Ms. Lou, Ms. Michelle, Ms. Rachel and Mr. Garrett. So in different groups we did different activities. Ms. Lou and Mr. Garrett’s  group learned how to interview other people. So if you interview with a person the first thing you have to do is to shake the person's hand that you are interviewing also make eye contact and introduce yourself. Next, you have to tell the person why you are interviewing them. Lastly, you have to ask a opening question and then you could continue the question.
Also if you are interviewing someone you don’t have to have a long list of questions, you could just have five questions but those questions have to be a very deep ones so then the person who is answering the question they will be telling you the information and details about it. Also, we had a practice how to interview someone, so everybody was in a partner and Ms. Lou gave one of us a paper which is the character that will be answering the questions and we have to do all the steps that we are supposed to do. So that was a fact about if you are interviewing someone.